Dave's Blog

My 2015 New Years Resolutions

Below are some of my resolutions for the upcoming year. I’m pretty excited to close out 2014, but at the same time, the year flew by too quickly… Regardless, I’m eager to start another, with a fresh perspective, and I’m going to really try to make a concerted effort to be mindful and present in each moment. Time just flies by too fast. I hope everyone has an amazing, positive, and fulfilling year.   2015 Motto Think big, ask better questions & get more specific in my goals (& in my thinking in general), push my comfort zone, be mindful

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Living Paleo: 2 Years and Counting…

I’ve been on The Paleo Diet for 2 years now and I’ve never felt better in my life. I’ve noticed significant improvements in my overall mood, energy levels, and mental focus. Aside from that, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. What’s more is that these changes took place relatively soon after I started eating Paleo, and while they occurred quickly, they’ve also been developing over time. For those who don’t know, The Paleo Diet (in short) advocates consuming protein, vegetables, fruit, and healthy fats, and avoiding carbs and sugars (bread, pasta, flour, rice, candy, etc.). The reasoning

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The “No Excuses” Equation

You have…  168 hours in a week -40 hours for day job = 128 hours left over -56 hours for sleep (8 hours/night) = 72 hours left over -21 hours for breakfast (1 hour/day), lunch (1 hour/day), and dinner (1 hour/day) = 51 hours left over -14 hours for relaxation (2 hours/day) = 37 hours left over -5 hours for showering/getting ready for day job (1 hour per day) = 32 hours left over -5 hours commuting time (1 hour/day to and from work total) = 27 HOURS TO TACKLE YOUR REAL WORK/GOALS DURING WEEK If your profession/day-job isn’t in

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You Can’t Know Everything

We are constantly searching for an explanation for our existence, as if this explanation would be the solution to all of our problems. There is a group of physicists that are searching for (and believe in) a Theory of Everything. A theory that would explain the entire inner workings of the universe, predict the future, and more. There are plenty of people that believe that there is a simple answer for everything, when in reality the world is infinitely complex. There ARE simple answers in certain domains, but not in others. There are simple answers in the Gaussian domain of

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Who’s Smart and Who’s Stupid?

Who’s Stupid? I’m stupid. You’re stupid. That other guy is stupid. Who’s smart? You + Me, we’re smart. Who’s even smarter than that? You + Me + That other guy… assuming that we’re working together of course. That’s the beauty of sports, and of teams in general, be it a team of entrepreneurs, employee’s, friends… anyone working towards a common goal. Just look at Wikipedia. But, You + Me, even if we aren’t working together, we can be smarter than our normal respective selves. I’m smarter than my average self (alone) if I’m in a debate with someone that disagrees

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The Limits of Categorization

There is no one specific way to categorize things. That is the underlying premise of this EconTalk podcast with David Weinberger. In the podcast, Russ Roberts (the host) and David Weinbeger discuss that, as humans, we tend to gravitate towards an intellectual box model of organization; we tend to try to place things into their respective “boxes”. We do this because we categorize things intellectually just as we would categorize things in the physical world. But, as Roberts points out, what happens if more than one thing can go in more than one box, or when one thing can go

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Thoughts On Finding/Doing What You Love: #1

If you are lost, confused, don’t know where to start, or how to choose from the myriad of options… choose to pursue wisdom; a subtle choice that is made where you start every day striving to achieve virtue, to be a better human, to help others, to learn more, and to experience life in its truest form every moment. If you do this, you will not only find what you love, it will grow from you as if it were a plant that has been properly seeded, cared for, and cultivated.

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Schopenhauer Sunday

I’ve been spending a good portion of the day today reading Schopenhauer’s Essays’s and Aphorisms; my new favorite book. This passage in particular I wanted to share as it resonated strongly with me… “And yet, just as our body would burst asunder if the pressure of the atmosphere were removed from it, so would the arrogance of men expand, if not to the point of bursting then to that of the most unbridled folly, indeed madness, if the pressure of want, toil, calamity and frustration were removed from their life. One can even say that we require at all times

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Play-Doh Brain

Your brain is essentially play-doh. You can sculpt it however you wish. If you aren’t on guard, bad habits can easily become implanted, whether through your own doing, or as a result of an external invasion into your mind by others against your will (however in some cases, you allow it to happen unconsciously). If not corrected, over time these habits can magnify and thus become harder to remove. However, good habits can also be implanted, and likewise, if proper care is taken, those can also be magnified and thus harder to remove. No one really knows what depression is.

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The best part of life is wherever you are right now. One can always find evidence supporting one’s point of view: Childhood? Golden.  Young adulthood? Prime.  Adulthood? The apex. Old age? A period of ripeness in all faculties. All are true, I believe. You needn’t wait, and you haven’t missed out. Have they been experienced in a premature or delayed fashion? There is only one requirement in my opinion: follow nature and don’t remain a child (devoid of action and responsibility) your whole life…  I’m 27, and as I approach 30 I find myself missing a lot of my childhood

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