Dave's Blog

“Interface of TH2 Inflammation and TGF-beta Signaling in Pulmonary Hypertension” – A Synopsis

Below is a synopsis of this video “Interface of TH2 Inflammation and TGF-beta Signaling in Pulmonary Hypertension”, a talk by Rubin Tuder given at the Vera Moulton Wall Center for Pulmonary Vascular Disease: Summary He has shown the first statistical correlation of perivascular inflammation with mPAP and vascular remodeling (~60 lungs from IPAH, hereditary PAH, scleroderma associated PH) despite current PH drugs: Schistosomiasis – 200 million people infected by parasite – in temperate areas like China, Brazil, Sudan, etc. 1-10% of people infected will develop PH Rather than talking about things where we don’t know what the cause/effect relationship is

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